Lawmakers and activists discuss the need to expand health coverage to undocumented minors. To see the full interview, click here.
Lawmakers and activists discuss the need to expand health coverage to undocumented minors. To see the full interview, click here.
For Immediate Release: Tuesday, July 20, 2021 Media Contact: Karissa Hand Cell: 508-406-8186 khand@melwoodglobal.com PRESS RELEASE: CONSUMERS, PROVIDERS, ADVOCATES AND LEGISLATORS SAY IT’S TIME TO COVER ALL KIDS IN MASSACHUSETTS…
“Prescription drugs are the fastest-growing costs in the state’s health care system. In Massachusetts, pharmaceutical spending continues to rise, outpacing other health care spending. According to the 2019 Center for…
“State officials say efforts to lower what the state pays for drugs is already saving millions of dollars annually, and in a hearing Tuesday, legislators turned their attention to further…
“House and Senate talks on legislation tackling pharmaceutical costs broke down last session, and a Senate leader has rolled onto the 2021 negotiating table a revised plan under which drug…
For Immediate Release: Tuesday, July 13, 2021 More Information: María R. González Albuixech Health Care For All | Director of Communications Cell: 617-320-3659 mgonzalez@hcfama.org PRESS RELEASE: HEARING…
“Cosima Mosher was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes in January 2019 at the age of 11. After two days in the hospital, she realized her life would never be the…
If you are a reporter looking for information on Health Care For All’s work please contact Laura Giordano at 774-214-6410 or lgiordano@melwoodglobal.com.
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Suite 500
Boston, MA 02110
(617) 350 7279
Health Care For All is organizing — person by person — to develop new health care leaders who can help drive change in our health care system.