Consumer advocacy group Health Care for All said the nearly 7 percent premium increase underscores a need to reform the state’s rate review process, calling for passage of a bill…
Consumer advocacy group Health Care for All said the nearly 7 percent premium increase underscores a need to reform the state’s rate review process, calling for passage of a bill…
For Immediate Release: Thursday, September 9, 2021 Media Contact: Karissa Hand Cell: 508-406-8186 khand@melwoodglobal.com PRESS RELEASE: HEALTH CARE FOR ALL DEMANDS TRANSPARENCY OVER HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUM INCREASES Individuals, families and…
For Immediate Release: Wednesday, September 1, 2021 Media Contact: Karissa Hand Cell: 508-406-8186 khand@melwoodglobal.com PRESS RELEASE: HEALTH CARE FOR ALL URGES MA RESIDENTS TO APPLY FOR LOWER-COST HEALTH INSURANCE As…
Senator DiDomenico also testified in support of two other pieces of legislation he filed in partnership with the organization Health Care for All (HCFA), to ensure that all kids in…
“There are still people who have questions about the safety of the vaccine, and there’s a lot of misinformation out there, particularly in communities of color,” said María González Albuixech,…
“More than 30,000 children and young adults in Massachusetts, including 1,650 with disabilities are ineligible for comprehensive MassHealth coverage because of their immigration status, according to an advocacy group that…
Legisladores y activistas discuten la necesidad de expandir la cobertura médica a menores indocumentados. Para leer el artículo completo, haga clic aquí.
If you are a reporter looking for information on Health Care For All’s work please contact Laura Giordano at 774-214-6410 or lgiordano@melwoodglobal.com.
70 Franklin Street
Suite 500
Boston, MA 02110
(617) 350 7279
Health Care For All is organizing — person by person — to develop new health care leaders who can help drive change in our health care system.