Mission Statement: Health Care For All advocates for health justice in Massachusetts by working to promote health equity and ensure coverage and access for all.
Our Vision
Health Care For All envisions a day when everyone in Massachusetts has the equitable, affordable, and comprehensive care they need to be healthy.

Our Strategy
Health Care For All uses a variety of strategies and tools to achieve its mission including direct service support, policy development, coalition building, community organizing, public education, and outreach.
The Health Care For All HelpLine fields thousands of calls every year from individuals and families who have questions about or need help connecting to health coverage. Health Care For All’s skilled and compassionate HelpLine counselors work to answer health insurance questions, troubleshoot issues with state insurance programs, and make appropriate referrals. From the calls Health Care For All receives, trends are monitored and policy solutions are developed that aim to address the health care challenges of state residents.
Our Staff
The staff of Health Care For All work with federal, state, and local officials to improve our health care system. The organization leads, convenes, and participates in many coalitions that work on specific health care issues. Health Care For All’s campaigns have a history of success. From Massachusetts health reform in 2006 to payment and delivery system reform in 2012 and beyond, Health Care For All has played an important role in catalyzing meaningful change. While Health Care For All staff collaborates with key decision-makers, the organization believes that real power comes from the bottom-up. Health Care For All is organizing — person by person — to develop new health care leaders who can drive change in our health care system.

People who make it possible
We win when we work together.
Health Care For All has been a long-standing partner for us at the BCBSMA Foundation. They are a vital thought partner on critical health care access policy issues and inform our work by bringing to the forefront the important voice of the consumer.
Audrey Shelto
President, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundation
Be a health
care defender
Support the work of Health Care For All by making a donation today. Your investment enables Health Care For All to help families get the health coverage they need so they can lead healthy lives.