AUG. 11, 2022….August in even-numbered years features plenty of self-congratulatory messaging from lawmakers about the bills they passed after months of deliberation – and perhaps some procrastination and brinksmanship –…
Health Connector pilot Baker’s veto of the Health Connector pilot was not a surprise since he previously returned the same language with an amendment, which lawmakers failed to adopt. Because…
The Legislature’s slow-developing plans for a two-year pilot program to expand eligibility for health care premium assistance and subsidies came crashing down Wednesday with a veto from Gov. Charlie Baker,…
The governor vetoed a plan to start a pilot program to help lower-income families meet the cost of health insurance through expanded eligibility for premium payment and point of service…
For Immediate Release: August 10, 2022 Media Contact: Laura Giordano Cell: 774-214-6410 PRESS STATEMENT: Health Care For All Commends Massachusetts Leadership for Passing the Mental Health Bill BOSTON –…