For Immediate Release:
November 17, 2021

Media Contact:
Karissa Hand
Cell: 508-406-8186


Health Care For All Celebrates House Passage of Determination of Need Reform

H.4253 will increase oversight over hospital expansions to control costs and advance health equity

BOSTON – Health Care For All’s Executive Director Amy Rosenthal issued the following statement in response to the passage of An Act enhancing the market review process (H.4253) in the Massachusetts House of Representatives:

“Health Care For All applauds the Massachusetts House of Representatives for advancing legislation that takes needed steps to reform the state’s Determination of Need process related to proposed hospital expansions. The bill closes a key loophole in the existing review process, requiring notice to the state’s Health Policy Commission (HPC) of any proposed expansions, similar to the notice required for other proposed market transactions like mergers and acquisitions, and authorizing the HPC to conduct a detailed review and analysis to inform the Department of Public Health’s Determination of Need decision process.

“We are concerned that some hospital expansions can increase health care costs and worsen health inequities, and we welcome additional scrutiny to better understand the potential impacts on both Massachusetts health care consumers and the lower-cost providers and community health care systems that serve them. We urge the State Senate to pass this important legislation.”
