For Immediate Release:
August 28, 2024

Media Contact:
Laura Giordano
Cell: 774-214-6410

Health Care For All Celebrates the Success of the Connector Care Expansion Pilot Program

BOSTON – Statement from Amy Rosenthal, Executive Director of Health Care for All, in response to the release of the Connector Care Expansion Pilot Program data:

“Health Care For All has been a longtime advocate of the ConnectorCare Expansion Pilot Program, and we are thrilled to see that more than 51,000 people across every county in Massachusetts are now receiving coverage under this new expansion.

“This data proves that the expansion is working. It not only shows that nearly all those enrolled are using their new coverage to get care, but that they were able to access the most critical kinds of care. 1 in 5 individuals and families were finally receiving preventive care they had missed or put off because they couldn’t previously afford it, while also saving $150 a month or more on their premiums. Of these individuals, two-thirds reported that their co-pays were affordable and that savings were helping them cover other household expenses. This more affordable coverage option is not only life-changing for residents across the state, but potentially life-saving.

“For years, the Health Care For All HelpLine has heard from hard-working individuals and families who are struggling with the rising cost of health insurance premiums and out-of-pocket costs. Now, through this program that represents the largest expansion in affordable coverage in Massachusetts since 2006, many are finally able to receive the care they need and deserve.”


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