Health Care For All is supporting comprehensive legislation to contain prescription drug costs in Massachusetts.
Massachusetts Prescription Drug Affordability Coalition
Prescription drug prices continue to rise, increasing the cost of health insurance and placing a considerable burden on individuals, families as well as the state’s budget. Currently, there is little transparency when it comes to the actual costs required to produce a drug, and no mechanism or oversight to ensure that drugs are truly affordable for those who need them. As a result, pharmaceutical companies set arbitrary and opaque prices for drugs, and too many people in Massachusetts cannot access these drugs due to high costs.
The MA Prescription Drug Affordability Coalition, led by Health Care For All, formed in 2019 to address these issues. This growing broad-based statewide coalition includes groups representing consumer advocates, seniors, children, individuals with disabilities, providers, unions, faith-based groups, mental health organizations, and health policy experts. The Coalition has supported comprehensive legislation to contain prescription drug costs during the 2023-2024 legislative session.

Coalition goals
The goals of the coalition are threefold:
- Make drugs affordable and available to consumers
- Make pharmaceutical costs more transparent and affordable for the health care system
- Require the pharmaceutical industry to do their fair share to control health care costs

Polling on High Prescription Drug Prices
Survey shows concern about high drug prices and support for government solutions among Massachusetts residents
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