Health Care For All supports enrollment assisters working throughout the state.
Get Health Insurance Help Near You
HCFA’s community partners host often host enrollment events across Massachusetts offering assistance to those in need of help accessing health care coverage. Click on the button to access HCFA’s Certified Application Counselor calendar to see a list of this month’s upcoming public events.

A Resource for Sharing
In the Loop – Massachusetts staff provide resources and share updates from the various state programs to make sure assister have access to the most up-to-date information to best do their work. Nearly half of the enrollment assisters in Massachusetts are a part of the online community and there is representation from every region of the Commonwealth. Issues and trends are shared with state policymakers to flag problems and improve the process that assisters and consumers go through to access coverage. Information shared by enrollment assisters from across the state helps to identify issues beyond what is heard on the HelpLine and shapes potential policy and advocacy opportunities.