Health Care For All convenes and is a member of many coalitions focused on addressing critical health care issues impacting consumers.

Our Model
Health Care For All convenes and is a member of many coalitions focused on addressing critical health care issues impacting consumers. Using the coalition model, Health Care For All and many partners have achieved meaningful systems and health care policy changes. From Massachusetts health reform in 2006 to payment and delivery system reform in 2012 and beyond, Health Care For All has played an important role in catalyzing meaningful change in the state. Our advocacy team builds relationships with key decision-makers, but we know that real power comes from the bottom-up. That’s why we organize — person by person — to develop new health care leaders who make their voices heard.
Children’s Health Access Coalition
Since 1995, the Children’s Health Access Coalition (CHAC) has championed the cause of access to health care for all Massachusetts children. CHAC is a coalition of providers, community organizations, child advocates, and other stakeholders committed to ensuring that all children in Massachusetts have access to and receive age-appropriate, comprehensive, and affordable health care services throughout childhood, from prenatal to adolescent and early adult years. We educate, organize, and advocate in our communities, at the State House and beyond. CHAC envisions a health care system that provides equitable, affordable, comprehensive, readily accessible, high quality, coordinated, culturally appropriate, and continuous care for all children.

Coalition Members:
Action for Boston Community Development, Inc.
Alliance for Inclusion and Prevention
American Academy of Pediatrics MA Chapter
Association for Behavioral Healthcare
Boston Children’s Hospital
Boston Medical Center
Boston Public Health Commission
Cambridge Health Alliance
Children’s Law Center of Mass
Children’s League of Massachusetts
Children’s Vision Massachusetts
Coalition for Social Justice
Codman Square Health Center
Community Catalyst
Economic Mobility Pathways (EMPath)
East Boston Ecumenical Community Council (EBECC)
Federation for Children with Special Needs
Franciscan Children’s
Health Care For All
The Health Foundation of Central Massachusetts
Health Law Advocates
Home Care Alliance of Massachusetts
The Home for Little Wanderers
Joint Committee for Children’s Health Care in Everett
Massachusetts Advocates for Children
Massachusetts Coalition of School-Based Health Centers
Massachusetts Early Intervention Consortium
Massachusetts Health & Hospital Association
Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy (MIRA) Coalition
Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers
Massachusetts Medical Society
Massachusetts Pediatric Home Nursing Care Campaign
Massachusetts School Nurse Organization, Inc.
Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
Medical-Legal Partnership Boston
Mental Health Legal Advisors Committee
National Association of Social Workers, MA Chapter
Massachusetts Law Reform Institute
New England Alliance for Children’s Health
Parent/Professional Advocacy League
Partners HealthCare
United Way of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley

Children’s Mental Health Campaign
The Children’s Mental Health Campaign is a coalition of families, advocates, health care providers, educators, consumers, and over 135 supporting organizations across Massachusetts dedicated to creating a system ensuring that every child in the Commonwealth receives the highest quality mental health care.
Coalition Leadership Organizations:
Boston Children’s Hospital
Health Care For All
Health Law Advocates
Massachusetts Association for Mental Health
Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
Parent/Professional Advocacy League
The Immigrant Health Care Access Coalition
The Immigrant Healthcare Access Coalition (IHAC) brings together more than 80 organizations from across Massachusetts to advocate collectively for improvements in health care and coverage for immigrants. IHAC members represent a diverse array of expertise, from health care and immigration policy wonks and legal aid lawyers to medical providers and community organizations delivering direct services to immigrant populations. The Coalition was founded in December 2014 by Health Law Advocates (HLA). In 2017, Health Care For All (HCFA) and the Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition (MIRA) joined HLA as members of the IHAC Steering Committee. During the past couple of years, we have focused on issues including preserving immigrants’ eligibility for MassHealth and the Health Connector, language access barriers, and access to long-term care services. Recently, we have turned our energies to developing an immigrant health toolkit and responding to changes to the “public charge” rules.

Coalition Members:
A Faith That Does Justice
Action for Boston Community Development
Advocates Inc.
African Bridge Program
Allston Brighton ABCD
Allston Brighton Health Collaborative
Asian Women For Health
Association for Behavioral Healthcare (ABH)
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC)
Bosnian Community Center for Resource Development
Boston Children’s Hospital
Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program
Boston Higher Education Resource Center
Boston Medical Center – Boston Center for Refugee
Boston Medical Center – Immigrant and Refugee Health
Boston Office of Immigrant Advancement
Boston Public Health Commission
Boston University School of Law, Immigrant Rights
Brigham and Women’s Hospital/Dimock CHC
Cambodian Mutual Assistance Association
Cambridge Health Alliance
Casa Nueva Vida
Catholic Charities Archdiocese of Boston
Catholic Charities Refugee and Immigration Service
CeltiCare Health
Central West Justice Center
Children’s Law Center of MA
City of Boston
City of Boston, Office of Immigrant Advancement
Codman Square Health Center
Community Legal Aid, Worcester
Community Legal Services & Counseling Center
Conference of Boston Teaching Hospitals
Department of Mental Health
Department of Public Health Care
Dorchester – MAPS
East Boston Community Health Center
East Boston Neighborhood Health Center
Edward M. Kennedy Community Health Center
Eritrean American Civic Association
Federation for Children with Special Needs
Greater Boston Legal Services
Harvard Law School Immigration Project
Harvard School of Public Health
Health Care For All
Health Law Advocates
Health Policy Commission
Immigrant Service Providers Group/Health
Irish International Immigrant Center
Jane Doe Inc.
Joselin Diabetes Center
Joseph M. Smith Community Health Center
Justice Center of Southeast Massachusetts, LLC
Latino Health Insurance Program
Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights & Economic Justice
Lowell Community Health Center
Lynn – ECCO Action
Lynn Community Health Center
MA Coalition of Domestic Workers
MA Immigrant Education Program
Mass General Brigham
Mass General Brigham -formerly Partners HealthCare
Mass League of CHC’s
Mass. Office of Refugees and Immigrants (ORI)
Massachusetts General Hospital
Massachusetts Health and Hospital Association
Massachusetts Law Reform Institute
Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers
Massachusetts Office of Refugees and Immigrants
Massachusetts School-Based Health Alliance
Medical Legal Partnership- Boston
MetroWest Legal Services
MIRA Coalition
Multicultural AIDS Coalition
Northeastern University
Northeastern University School of Law
Onc Art
Quincy Asian Resources
Refugee and Immigrant Assistance Center
SomerViva: Office of Immigrant Affairs
South End Community Center
Stark Consulting
Tufts Health Plan
Tufts Medical Center
Tufts School of Medicine
UMass Boston
University of Massachusetts

Massachusetts Coalition for Coverage & Care
In the face of repeal efforts to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which would fundamentally threaten the Massachusetts health care system, the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundation and Health Care For All convened a group of consumers, the business community, insurers, labor unions, hospitals, doctors, community health centers, religious groups, and many others formed the Massachusetts Coalition for Coverage & Care. Members of the coalition have different interests and benefit differently from the gains made in our state, but all believe that Massachusetts must preserve access to affordable coverage and care for everyone. The goals of the coalition are to preserve and improve access to, and the affordability of, health insurance coverage in Massachusetts as well as protect the gains in access to care, health, and health equity that have resulted from near-universal coverage in the state.
Coalition Members:
Alliance of Massachusetts Safety Net Hospitals
American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network
American Heart Association and American Stroke Association
Associated Industries of Massachusetts
Association for Behavioral Healthcare
Atrius Health
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundation
Brockton Neighborhood Health Center
Boston Center for Independent Living
Boston Children’s Hospital
Boston Medical Center
Children’s League of Massachusetts
Cambridge Health Alliance
Community Care Cooperative
Community Catalyst
Conference of Boston Teaching Hospitals
Delta Dental of Massachusetts
Catholic Charities Refugee and Immigration Service
CeltiCare Health
Central West Justice Center
Children’s Law Center of MA
City of Boston
City of Boston, Office of Immigrant Advancement
Codman Square Health Center
East Boston Neighborhood Health Center
Edward M. Kennedy Community Health Center
Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce
Greater Boston Interfaith Organization
Greater Boston Legal Services
Governmental Strategies, Inc.
Harvard Pilgrim Health Care
Health Care For All
Health Law Advocates
Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Boston Joint Committee For
Children’s Health Care in Everett
Lynn Community Health Center
Massachusetts Association for Mental Health
Massachusetts Association of Health Plans
Massachusetts Association of Behavioral Health Systems
Massachusetts Business Roundtable
Massachusetts Coalition of Nurse Practitioners
Massachusetts Council of Community Hospitals
Massachusetts Family Planning Association
Massachusetts Health Council
Massachusetts Health Policy Forum
Massachusetts Health and Hospital Association
Massachusetts Law Reform Institute
Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers
Massachusetts Medical Society
Massachusetts Parent Teacher Association
Massachusetts Public Health Association
Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation
Massachusetts Senior Action Council
Massachusetts Senior Care Association
Massachusetts Women’s Political Caucus
National Alliance on Mental Illness – MA
Neighborhood Health Plan
North Shore Chamber of Commerce
North Shore Community Health
Organization of Nurse Leaders
Partners HealthCare
Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts
Tufts University Medical School
Individual Coalition Members:
Thomas Barker, Esq.
Donald Berwick, MD
Richard G. Frank, PhD
Philip W. Johnston
Jon Kingsdale, PhD
John E. McDonough, DrPH, MPA
Richard T. Moore
Nancy Turnbull
Celia Wcislo
Massachusetts Prescription Drug Affordability Coalition
The Massachusetts Prescription Drug Affordability Coalition formed in 2019 to address rising prescription drug costs in Massachusetts. This growing statewide coalition includes groups representing consumer advocates, seniors, children, individuals with disabilities, providers, unions, faith-based groups, mental health organizations and health policy experts. The goals of the coalition are threefold:
Make prescription drugs affordable and available to consumers.
Make pharmaceutical costs more transparent and affordable for the health care system.
Require the pharmaceutical industry to do their fair share to control health care costs.

Coalition Members:
#insulin4all Massachusetts
AARP Massachusetts
Atrius Health
Boston Center for Independent Living
Disability Policy Consortium
Doctors for America Massachusetts
Greater Boston Interfaith Organization
Health Care For All
Health Law Advocates
Jewish Alliance for Law & Social Action
Massachusetts Association for Behavioral Health
Massachusetts Association for Mental Health
Massachusetts Chapter of the American College of Physicians
Massachusetts Medical Society
Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
Massachusetts Senior Action Council
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Massachusetts
Right Care Alliance

Oral Health Advocacy Task Force
The Oral Health Advocacy Task Force (OHAT) is a broad-based statewide coalition of consumers, advocates, health care professionals, academics, and insurers. OHAT works closely with the Legislative Oral Health Caucus to improve oral health for all persons in the Commonwealth through public policy advocacy. Just as the mouth is part of the body, oral health is a part of overall health. People cannot be healthy unless they have access to the dental services they need. For many years, the coalition and its members have worked on issues related to oral health, including community water fluoridation, public awareness about the importance of oral health, the creation of new mid-level dental providers called Dental Therapists, and access to comprehensive dental care for everyone.
Coalition Members:
1199SEIU – United Health Care Worker’s East
ABCD Head Start
AIDS Action Committee
American Academy of Pediatricians, Massachusetts Chapter
Association for Behavioral Healthcare
Better Oral Health Massachusetts Coalition
Boston Benefits Partners
Boston Center for Independent Living
Boston Children’s Hospital
Boston Commission for Persons with Disabilities
Black Ministerial Alliance of Greater Boston
Boston NAACP
Boston Public Health Commission – HIV Dental Program
Boston Public Health Commission – Office of Oral Health
Boston University School of Dental Medicine
Brockton Neighborhood Health Center
Brookside Community Health Center
Center for Research to Evaluate and Eliminate Dental Disparities
Children’s Dental Health Project
Codman Square Health Center
Community Catalyst
Community Health Center of Franklin County
Community Servings
Dementia Friendly Massachusetts
DentaQuest Foundation
Dimock Street Health Center
Disability Policy Consortium
DotHouse Health
Forsyth Institute
Greater Boston Food Bank
Greater Boston Interfaith Organization
Greater Boston Legal Services
Greater Lawrence Family Health Center
Harvard University School of Dental Medicine
Health Care For All
Health Law Advocates
Health Resources in Action
Heywood Healthcare
Hilltown Community Health Centers
Holyoke Mall Dental Health Center
Latino Health Insurance Program
Lowell Community Health Center
Martha’s Vineyard Community Services
Mass League of Community Health Centers
Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition
Massachusetts Academy of Family Physicians
Massachusetts Association for School-Based Health Care
Massachusetts Association of Community Health Workers
Massachusetts Chapter of the Academy of Pediatrics
Massachusetts Dental Hygiene Association
Massachusetts Dental Society
Massachusetts Head Start Association
Massachusetts Organization for Addiction and Recovery
Massachusetts Public Health Association
Massachusetts School Nurse Association
Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition
Multi-cultural Aids Coalition
Multi-cultural Independent Living Center Boston
North Central Massachusetts Minority Coalition
North Quabbin Community Coalition
Northampton Survival Center
Northern Berkshire Community CoalitionPublic Health Institute of Western Massachusetts
Rosie’s Place
Smiles By Rosie
Somali Development Center
Southeast Asian Coalition
STEPRox Recovery Center
The Arc of Massachusetts
Tufts University School of Dental Medicine
Union of Minority Neighborhoods
United Way of Franklin County
University of Massachusetts Medical School
Vineyard Health Access Program
Windsor Dental Clinic – Cambridge Health Alliance
What is Massachusetts saying?

HCFA has always been an ally of Agencia ALPHA, educating our immigrant community about the health care benefits they are eligible for, but they became our champions during the COVID-19 crises. HCFA provided critical information for us to share with 600 families we have been feeding since this crisis began on how to stop the spread of this virus.
— Damaris Velasquez, Director of Programs
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